Product Detail

Grocery Mart E-Commerce Solution


Grocery Mart is a complete E-Commerce system to start your online Grocery E-Commerce business. This E-Commerce system has a powerful admin panel for managing products, categories, suppliers, orders and much more. 

Grocery Mart is design and written in .NET framework with C#, Asp.net, Jquery, Angularjs & bootstrap. System architecture is build with most popular “Repository Design Pattern”. You can easily understand the codes and extend if needed. Detailed documentation is available. You can also use this E-Commerce system for electronics, cloths, supermarkets etc.

Grocery Mart is developed with responsive design which will fits for desktop, mobile and tabs. This will bring you the best shopping experience for your customers.

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  • Since 22/11/2023
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First Release


Files Included

apk , so , dat , db

Software Version

Android 8.5 , Android 8.0 , Android 7.2.x , Android 7.0