Product Detail

OTP System Add-on for YOORI PWA eCommerce


YOORI OTP System Addons

Start verification for new cutomer & merchant registration And Login

  • Twilio
  • Fast 2SMS
  • SpaGreen SMS
  • Nexmo SMS
  • SSL Wireless


  1. YOORI – Laravel Vue Multi-Vendor PWA eCommerce CMS Must be preinstalled on your server.
  2. Required Yoori Version: V1.2.0 or Later.


  1. Login to Yoori Dashboard
  2. Goto Addons > Installed Addons
  3. From Right side enter your purchase code and select otp_system.zip
  4. Click ‘Save” button to complete installation.
  5. Done & Enjoy.


After successful installation you will get another menu to your admin dashboard title “OTP System”.

  1. Goto OTP System > OTP Setting.
  2. Enter Credentials to your SMS Provided Tab and save it.
  3. Then active it.
  4. Then goto setting tab and select your SMS Provider & Set your country and Save it.
  5. Change SMS template from OTP System > SMS Templates if needed.
  6. Done & Enjoy.

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  • Since 22/11/2023
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First Release


Compatible Browsers

IE10 , Chrome , Opera , Safari , Firefox

Files Included

JavaScript JS , HTML , CSS , PHP

Software Framework

Laravel 9